We kindly ask you to respond to this survey, which is part of the work conducted by NATO Research Task Group HFM-342 “C2 Capability Lifecycle Governance”. C2 capability governance includes all the efforts to maintain and develop C2 over its lifecycle. The research task group has identified preliminary high-level guiding principles for the design of C2 capability governance. The survey presents these principles, each one together with a short description. We request your feedback on the guiding principles and their description, and suggestions for any additional principles that you think are important for C2 capability governance. The survey takes about 15 minutes to respond to, including comments.
No identifying information is required.
1. Assess the level of relevance for C2 governance for each principle, according to your opinion. Where appropriate, add comments on the guiding principle and/or your assessment.
2. Suggest additional principles or provide any other comments on the final page.
3. Beware: There is an in-built time limit of 24 minutes for each question group, where the eight principles are all in one question group. Thus, either make sure to proceed to the summarizing questions before time expires (the survey tool will not warn you!), or save your answers, which will give you more time. You save an unfinished survey by clicking on the text "resume later" in the upper right corner. Provide an own username and a password, which allows you to save your responses and continue to respond either immediately or later. If you resume later, click "load unfinished survey" in the upper right corner.
Thank you VERY much for your time and participation!
Processing of information. The information provided will be analysed by members of HFM-RTG-342 to make recommendations regarding design structures and methods for C2 capability governance. Survey responses will be analysed and summarised at an aggregated level. Any information that might directly identify individuals will be re-worded to a more generic format for subsequent analysis. After the analysis is completed, data will be archived by the RTG members, in line with their respective national legislation.
Disclosure. Completion of this questionnaire is voluntary. The information you provide will not become part of your personal record. If you decide not to answer any question, it will have no consequences other than a lack of representation of your views in the final results and outcomes.
There are 15 questions in this survey.